Papa Johns Cashback is a beautiful thing, and it’s even better when you combine coupons and discount gift cards to save tons of money. Read on to learn how to maximize your savings at Papa John’s.
Papa John’s Coupons
Want to get the best deal on a Papa John’s pizza? There’s two huge saving techniques you need to be applying at every purchase.
Coupons reign supreme just like a Papa John’s pizza. Check out these pages which shortlist all the coupon deals, and be sure to check and their newsletter.
Papa John’s Own Specials Page
The best way to find existing specials, and some of the best deals, is directly at Check out their specials page, dedicated to giving you a filling meal at a great price.
Papa John’s Discount Gift Cards
You’ve probably kept up by now, but now I’m going to throw you for a loop. Bonus round, for insane savings you’ve been leaving on the table for years.
There are massive amounts of gift cards available for sale at cheaper than face value, and there always seems to be a healthy supply of gift cards to pizza joints.

As I’m writing this, Papa Johns Gift Cards are available for sale at a 4% discount at But there’s a catch – while instant email delivery is the goal, it can often times take up to an hour to receive your gift card. Not ideal when hunger is on the line.
Checkout Saver provides discount gift cards to Papa John’s right at checkout, via the extension. We’ll pop up with an alert that will let you purchase and autofill the discount gift card right into checkout, ensuring you get the absolute best deal possible.
Common Papa John’s Coupon Codes
In a rush and dont have time to look up coupons? The papa is notorious for using simple codes like “SAVE25” and “30OFF”. Pick a few numbers, add “OFF” at the end or “SAVE” at the beginning and voila – instant coupon code that makes you feel like you’re winning the lottery.

Of course, you can always use the Checkout Saver Extension to automatically apply coupons and check for discount gift cards.
Papa Johns Cashback – The Ultimate Secret
As it turns out, there’s a way to earn Papa Johns Cashback and I almost guarantee you’ve never heard of it.
On top of the 2% cashback I earn on every transaction with my credit card, I earn an additional 4% when I shop using Dosh.
UPDATE: As of 2020 this method is no longer working, but Dosh still provides seamless cashback when you shop at plenty of other pizzerias!
Get Automatic Papa Johns Cashback Using Checkout Saver
Download our free browser extension! While getting paid cashback when you to shop seems like an outright scam, it actually makes a lot of sense. Let me clear things up.
Behind the scenes, when you use Checkout Saver to visit your favorite retailers, you’re being redirected their using our Affiliate Link.
Because we referred you and a sale to the retailer, they pay us a commission.
We turn around and pass almost all of that commission on to you (we keep a little bit to turn a profit and bring you these awesome opportunities). So that’s what’s in it for us – we get paid when you make a magazine purchase.
It’s in our best interests to help you save as much money as possible, which is why our service is completely free. You can sign up and start saving today.
Our new browser extension makes the process easier than ever. Simply search for your store and click through to save. We’ll even automatically alert you if you can save money at the store you’re browsing using Cashback, Coupons, or Discount Gift Cards.